Our approach to marine advice

Approach to marine advice in Welsh waters

We are consulted by licensing authorities and developers for our expert advice on likely marine and coastal environmental effects from development proposals. We also advise government and organisations preparing policies and plans.

We aim to provide advice that helps ensure the marine environment and natural resources of Wales are sustainably managed, enhanced and used now and for future generations.

We aim to provide advice that is proportionate to the risk of a plan, development or activity.

We seek opportunities to improve the evidence base for our marine advice through our work and in collaboration with others.

Recent work

For the recent report on seascape and visual sensitivity to offshore wind farms in Wales, we outlined how a proportionate approach can be taken for visual effects on National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We proactively sought to produce and improve the evidence that reflects the sensitivity of these receptors and the scale of impact.

We collaborated with the Welsh Government to publish The Welsh marine evidence strategy 2019 - 2025 - our strategic initiative to improve the marine evidence base.

Involvement with the Welsh National Marine Plan

The Welsh Government has adopted the first Welsh National Marine Plan (WNMP). It provides the framework for managing the marine area in a joined-up way, for everyone to use. Sustainable management is at its centre so that “Welsh seas are clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse.”

The WNMP supports integrated decisions, taking account of environmental, social and economic factors. It is key for delivering the Environment Act and Well-being of Future Generation Act objectives in Welsh seas. 

We worked with the Welsh Government to provide advice and evidence to help develop the WNMP. We now have a key role in implementing the policies in the WNMP through our regulatory, evidence and advisory functions.

Sign up for the Welsh Government marine planning newsletter to stay up to date.

Guidance, advice, evidence and data

We enable consideration of key environmental issues and opportunities at an early stage in the development of your policies, plans and projects.

We seek to ensure that our advice is consistent, clear and based on sound science and the best available evidence to help determining bodies and developers make environmentally informed decisions.

Read our guidance for marine developers.

Find out more about our Development Planning and Marine Services.

Explore our marine and coastal evidence reports.

Contact us

If you are considering marine development in or near Welsh waters, please do get in touch with us at an early stage at marine.area.advice@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk

Projects in Welsh waters will need a marine licence from our Permitting Service.

Last updated