Assessing Welsh Aquaculture Activities (AWAA) Project
We have assessed, and mapped where possible, the sensitivity of marine biotopes and species to the pressures from a number of marine aquaculture activities.
The Assessing Welsh Aquaculture Activities (AWAA) final report provides information on the project and how the resources were developed, such as methods used, limitations and assumptions.
Eight assessment reports describe an aquaculture activity, the pressures with the potential to occur because of the activity, and the sensitivity of biotopes and species to these pressures.
Intertidal shellfish aquaculture using trestles or poles
Intertidal ground laid shellfish aquaculture
Intertidal planted seaweed aquaculture
Subtidal seaweed aquaculture using ropes
Subtidal seaweed aquaculture using rafts
Subtidal shellfish aquaculture using ropes
Subtidal shellfish aquaculture using rafts
Subtidal ground laid shellfish aquaculture
The potential impacts from each of the pressures on the marine environment, summarised in the assessment reports, are based on the evidence collated in the evidence database.
A case study in each assessment report demonstrates how, by using the mapping tool and dashboard you can identify the sensitivity of biotopes and species to pressures at an example aquaculture activity location (works best on desktop).
The evidence database and the biotope and species interactions spreadsheets containing the data used in the mapping tool and dashboard can be downloaded from DataMapWales (
Links to user guides can be found in the instruction tabs of the mapping tool and dashboard.
Project funding
The Assessing Welsh Aquaculture Activities (AWAA) project was supported by the EU through Welsh Ministers and was fully funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.