What to do in a flood

Stay away from flood water - it is dangerous and can be contaminated


In an emergency dial 999

Check flood warnings and river levels

Check our live flood map for the latest information or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

Check river levels, rainfall and sea data.

What to do if you are about to flood

  • Get your flood kit.
  • Prepare to move people and pets in your property to a safe place.
  • Move important, sentimental and valuable items. 
  • Move or weigh down any large or loose items outside or in your garden.
  • Put flood gates and other protection equipment in place.
  • Turn off gas, electricity, and water. 
  • Do not touch plugs and other sources of electricity when standing in flood water.
  • Move your car to higher ground or outside the flood risk area.

Help stop water entering your property

  • Block water entering through doors and windows with pillowcases or plastic bags filled with soil or heavy objects.
  • Cover airbricks and vents.
  • Block sinks, baths and toilets and weigh down with heavy objects.
  • Unplug washing machines and dishwashers and disconnect them from the water supply.
  • Block water inlet pipes with towels or cloths.

Reduce damage if water does enter your property

  • Move rugs and lightweight items of furniture.
  • Throw curtains over the rail out of reach of flood water.
  • Lift items you can’t move with bricks or a pallet and cover the bottom with plastic.

What to do if you get a flood warning or alert

Flood alert. Be prepared.

  • prepare a flood kit of essential items
  • monitor local river levels 
  • check the 5 day flood risk.
  • farmers should consider moving livestock and equipment away from areas likely to flood

Flood Warning. Immediate action required.

  • move family, pets, and valuables to a safe place
  • turn off gas, electricity and water supplies if it is safe to do so
  • put flood protection equipment in place

Severe Flood Warning. Danger to life.


  • stay in a safe place with a means of escape
  • be ready to leave your home
  • cooperate with the emergency services
  • call 999 if you are in immediate danger

Our flood warning service

Our warning service covers around 90% of the properties at risk of flooding from main rivers or the sea in Wales, and we are continually working to extend this service.

You may also be at risk of flooding from other sources which we don’t warn for:

  • surface water
  • small watercourses

These types of flooding can occur very quickly and are often very localised, meaning there isn’t time to issue advance warning messages.

Find out how we forecast floods and issue warnings

Move to a safe place

  • Move to an upstairs room with a window. You can use this as an escape route if the emergency services tell you to evacuate.
  • Find a safe place if you don't have an upstairs. You might have to leave your home if it is safe to do so.
  • Contact your local authority to help you with emergency accommodation.

Report a flood

Find out who to contact if you want to report a problem with flooding.

Problems with gas, electricity or sewerage

For sewer flooding, or if your toilet or sink is backing up during floods please call your local water company.

To report a gas or carbon monoxide emergency call 0800 111 999.

Call 105 to report power cuts to your electricity supplier.

Report animals in danger or distress

Call the RSPCA emergency number: 0300 1234 999.

Do not put your life or someone else's life in danger to rescue an animal.


We do not supply sandbags. Find out how to prepare for a flood and choose the right products to protect your property.

If you need sandbags, contact your local authority. They may have some available during a flood. If they do not supply sandbags, you can buy your own from DIY stores and builder’s merchants.

What to do if you are evacuated

Listen to advice from the emergency services and evacuate when told to do so. You will need to tell them if you are self-isolating due to COVID-19.

You will be taken to an evacuation centre run by your local authority. Free food and bedding is provided but you will need spare clothing, essential medication and baby care items if you have an infant.

Most evacuation centres will let you bring your pets. You should take pet food and remember to put cats and small animals in a pet carrier or secure box.

Find travel information

  • get traffic updates from the Traffic Wales website
  • check Traveline Cymru to check public transport
  • check local Facebook groups
  • tune into your local radio station 
  • follow advice from your local authority 

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Last updated