Flood risk activity exclusions

You can carry out some flood risk activities without a flood risk activity permit or registering for an exemption.

You must meet the specific conditions set out in the technical guidance for flood risk activity exclusions. It is a criminal offence to carry out an excluded activity without meeting the appropriate conditions.

Excluded flood risk activities:

  • any activity carried out in an emergency
  • a licensable marine activity in Wales
  • the erection and use of ladders and scaffold towers
  • the construction and use of service crossings within an existing structure
  • the attachment of a flood protection device directly to a building in order to protect the interior of that building.
  • the carrying out of minor works on or affecting bridges and culverts for highways and public rights of way
  • the erection of fencing
  • erection of notice boards
  • clearance of purpose built sediment traps
  • site investigation boreholes and trial pits within a flood plain

If you need to undertake temporary works (for example use scaffolding or coffer dams in the channel), contact us to discuss if a bespoke permit might be needed.

Find out more about flood risk activity permits if your proposed activity is not listed, or does not meet all the specific conditions.

Last updated