This change means that customers will have a single, clear response on permit applications and no longer have to apply to a number of different organisations to undertake certain activities.

Monitoring performance

We will be monitoring regulatory performance very closely and will provide a high quality service that meets the requirements of both the environment and businesses in Wales. Table 1 details many of the regulatory regimes that we are responsible for and the timescales we will work to.


If you need an application determined in less than the timescales in Table 1, then please discuss this with us at the time of submission.

We recommend that you apply for permits in good time (ideally having sought pre-application advice from us), with all the necessary information and have regard for the determination timescales. Applications that are complex, have a high level of public interest, or potentially impact on a sensitive location may require a longer period to determine than that set out in Table 1.

Managing your application

When you submit a permit application to us, you will be contacted by one of our officers who will be responsible for the determination of your application. That officer will explain to you how the application will be processed, how they can be contacted and what the deadlines are for determination. They will also discuss with you your expectations.

You will be kept up to date throughout the determination process so you are aware how your application is progressing.

Table 1. Statutory determination timescales.



Statutory Determination Period or Service Level

Permit regime

Waste Bespoke Permit

4 months (Statutory)


Waste Standard Rule Permit

3 months (Statutory)


Waste Permit Variation

3 Months or 4 months with consultation (Statutory)


Waste Permit Transfer

2 Months (Statutory)


Waste Permit Surrender

3 months (Statutory)


Cat A Mining Waste Facilities

9 months (Statutory)


Mobile Plant Deployments

25 working Days (Service Level Agreement)


Waste recovery plan assessment

25 working days (Service Level Agreement)


RSR New Bespoke Permit

4 months (Statutory)


RSR Standard Rule Permit

3 months (Statutory)


RSR Permit Variation

3 months (Statutory)


RSR Permit Surrender

3 months (Statutory)


RSR Permit Transfer

2 Months (Statutory)


Installation Bespoke Permit

4 Months (Statutory)


Installation Substantial Variation

4 Months (Statutory)


Installation Standard Rule Permit

3 Months (Statutory)


Installation Permit Variation

3 Months (Statutory)


Installation Permit Surrender

3 months (Statutory)


Installation Permit Transfer

2 months (Statutory)


Medium Combustion Plant / Specified Generator Bespoke Permit

4 months (Statutory)


Medium Combustion Plant / Specified Generator Standard Rule Permit

3 months (Statutory)


Medium Combustion Plant / Specified Generator Permit Variation

3 months (Statutory)


Medium Combustion Plant Substantial Variation

4 months (Statutory)


Medium Combustion Plant / Specified Generator Permit Transfer

2 months (Statutory)


Medium Combustion Plant / Specified Generator Permit Surrender

3 months (Statutory)


Felling Licences

91 days (13 weeks) (Statutory)


EIA (Forestry) Determinations

28 working days (Statutory)


Forest Management Plan

91 days (13 weeks) (Statutory)


Protected Species Licence

30 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Species Licence

European Protected Species - development, conservation projects and forestry

40 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Species Licence

European Protected Species - preserving public health or public safety.

30 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Species Licence

European Protected Species (Marine)

40 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Species Licence

Bird control licence - preserving public health or public safety, protecting fisheries, conserving wild birds, protecting crops, stock, foodstuffs for stock or preventing the spread of disease.

40 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Species Licence

Badger development licence

40 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Species Licence

Protected Species License amendment (simple)

15 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Species Licence

Protected Species License amendment (complex) 

30 working days(Service Level Agreement) 

Species Licence

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme - New Entrants Reserve (Significant Capacity Extension)

2 months

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Allocation Level Changes Review

4 Months

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Annual Emmissions Monitoring Review

4 Months

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Variation Minor

2 months

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Variation Substantial

2 months

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Transfer

2 months  

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Amalgamation Transfer  

2 months  

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Surrender  

2 months  

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Revocation   

2 months  

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

E.U Emissions Trading Scheme Notification  

6 weeks  

UK Emissions Trading Scheme

Water Resources Hydro Electric Power

4 months if advertised, 3 months if not advertised (Statutory)

Water Resources

Water Resources Abstraction

4 months if advertised, 3 months if not advertised (Statutory)

Water Resources

Water Resources Impoundment

4 months if advertised, 3 months if not advertised (Statutory)

Water Resources

Water Resources Temporary Licence

20 working days (Statutory)

Water Resources

Water Resources Transitional Licence (new authorisations)

During the period 01 January 2020 and 31 December 2022

Water Resources

Water Resources Revocation of Abstraction Licence

20 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Water Resources

Water Resources Revocation of Impoundment Licence

20 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Water Resources

Water Resources Administration Variation, including apportionments

20 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Water Resources

Transfer of Licence Holder and vesting a licence

20 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Water Resources

Water Resources Two-Part Tariff

20 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Water Resources

Water Resources Pre-Application (hydropower)

45 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Water Resources

Water Resources Pre-Application (non-Hydropower)

45 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Water Resources

Water Resources Groundwater Investigation Consent

45 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Water Resources

Bespoke Landspreading (Sheep Dip)

4 months (Statutory)

Water Quality

Landspreading (Sheep Dip) Variation

4 months with advertisement 3 months without (Statutory)

Water Quality

Permit Surrender

20 working days (Statutory)

Water Quality

Permit Transfer

20 working days (Statutory)

Water Quality

Permit Variation

4 months with advertisement 3 months without (Statutory)

Water Quality

Permit Variation Admin

3 months (Statutory)

Water Quality

Permit Bespoke

4 months (Statutory)

Water Quality

Water Industry Act 166a

7 and 14 days (Statutory)

Water Quality

Water Industry Act 166b

3 months (Statutory)

Water Quality

Standard Rule Permit

3 months (Statutory)

Water Quality

Marine Licences Band 2

4 months (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Marine Licences Band 1

6 weeks (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Variation 1 (admin)

21 days (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Variation 2 (complex) (B2)

4 months (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Variation 3 (routine)

8 weeks (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Transfer Variation

21 days (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Sample Plan Request

4 weeks (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Discharge of conditions - Band 2

6 weeks (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Monitoring approval

8 weeks (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Screening Opinion

90 days (Statutory)

Marine Licences

Scoping Opinion

90 days (Service Level Agreement)

Marine Licences

Flood Risk Activity Permits

2 months (statutory)

Flood Risk Activities

Land Drainage Consents

2 months (statutory)

Internal Drainage District (IDD) regulation

WEEE T11 Exemptions

30 working days (Service Level Agreement)

Waste – Producer Responsibility

SSSI s28E Consents

4 months (Service Level Agreement)

Protected Sites Regulation

SSSI s28H Assents/Advice

28 days (Service Level Agreement)

Protected Sites Regulation

Last updated